Fixed Ladder

Stairs are generally
equipments that are used to connect and provide access between different floors or levels . Sailor ladder is
a vertical and fixed narrow area ladder built in areas where the Stairs we normally use cannot be applied. It is widely used especially in narrow and vertical access areas and plays a rescuing role. However, the deck ladder cannot be used as a fire escape. Seaman’s Ladder Standard.

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The ladder protection cage should end 1 meter above the ground where it reaches the ladder floor.
The starting point of the ladder cages should start at a height of at least 210 cm and at most 240 cm above the ground.
The proportions of the steps on the stairs are equal and the distance between the steps should not exceed 30 cm.
The angle of the deck ladder with the ground should not be less than 75 degrees and not more than 90 degrees.
A distance of at least 18 cm should be left between the step on which the stairs will step on and the wall on which it is mounted.
A distance of at least 18 cm should be left between the step on which the stairs will step on and the wall on which it is mounted.
The cage width at the entrance of the stairs should be 10 cm more than the other parts.
1 landing should be built for every 9 meters on the ladder. The length of the platform should not be less than 15 cm and its width should not be less than 60 cm.
The landings must be covered with baseboards and handrails.
Stairs should be new and produced in a non-slip structure.
Care should be taken not to use diamond sheets in open areas, but to have a notched surface, and to use a grid, diamond or blasted sheet on the landing floors.



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